This certificate course is intended to serve as continuing education for industrial refrigeration professionals whose job responsibilities include maintaining a safe work environment and/or ensuring compliance with OSHA’s Process Safety Management (PSM) regulation or the EPA’s Risk Management Plan (RMP) rule.
The course will provide additional background for performing a PHA study that not only meets OSHA and EPA requirements, but also serves as an effective tool for ensuring safe operation of a closed-circuit ammonia refrigeration system
The intended audience for this course would include PSM coordinators/managers, process safety & hazard mitigation professionals, compliance service employees, compliance auditors, as well as other workers who focus on employee safety, facility safety, and/or regulatory compliance.
It is anticipated that course participants are already familiar with the Process Hazard Analysis (PHA) requirements found in 29 CFR 1910.119(e) (OSHA’s PSM standard) and 40 CFR 68.67 (EPA’s RMP regulations). Participants should also have a working knowledge of equipment that may be employed in operational closed-circuit ammonia refrigeration systems.
The PHA Certificate Course includes three (3) training sessions, each approximately 45-60 minutes long, delivered as a PowerPoint presentation with lecture. At the end of each module there is a short quiz to check learner comprehension of the material. After comprehension of material is demonstrated, you can move on to the next module. To receive a certificate, participants are required to pass a final course examination.
The forty (40)-question, multiple-choice final exam will take approximately 75 minutes. Learners must achieve a minimum score of 80% (32/40 correct) to qualify for a certificate. Registrants MUST have paid their Certificate Course tuition and MUST have successfully completed the Module 1-3 Quick Check Quizzes (at least 80% correct on all three quizzes) in order to sit for the final exam.
Module 1 - PHA Fundamentals
This introductory module looks at some of the fundamental concepts and procedures involved in developing and executing an effective Process Hazard Analysis Study. It reviews the basics of performing a PHA, including benefits and limitations of a PHA study, relevant definitions and references, and PSM/RMP requirements. It also addresses steps to take when developing and implementing a PHA policy, establishing a PHA schedule, and selecting a PHA methodology,
Module 2 - Planning the PHA
This second training module in the PHA Certificate Course discusses the procedures involved in planning a PHA study, as well as the elements of an effective PHA study and the general requirements involved in preparing for a PHA study. We will also review the various methodologies that may be used to conduct a PHA study, but we focus on the “What-If-Checklist” methodology since this is the tool most commonly used to analyze ammonia refrigeration systems. Module 2 finishes up with some tips on identifying hazard scenarios, use of risk-ranking techniques to evaluate hazard scenarios, and the benefits of using Layer of Protection Analysis (LOPA).
Module 3 - Performing and Documenting the PHA
Module 3 covers the procedures that should be followed to perform and document a PHA study. The module starts off by reviewing the composition of a typical PHA study team and discussing the hazard scenarios that must be covered and documented during the PHA study. Next up is a review of the steps necessary to document a PHA study and the methods used to review and revalidate PHA studies. We finish up the course with a look at OSHA and EPA interpretations related to PHA studies.
Final Examination